Why Anti-Fatigue?

What are they?

Anti-fatigue mats are mats designed to reduce fatigue caused by standing for long periods on a hard surface (e.g., cement floors). Fatigue-reducing mats can be made of various materials including rubber, carpeting materials, vinyl, and wood.

Why are they used?

Anti-fatigue mats are often used to decrease foot and lower limb disorders for workers who stand in one position for long periods. According to scientific data, standing for long periods of time is particularly stressful and fatiguing.

When should they be used?

Anti-fatigue mats absorb the shock due to walking and this cushioning effect reduces foot fatigue. Mat quality, size, and placement are key as they can lead to tripping and falling accidents when installed improperly.

How do I choose one?

There are many types of mats that are sold as “anti-fatigue” mats. When choosing a mat, consider the following:

  • Know the purpose of the mat. Anti-slip or other mats are not the same as anti-fatigue mats. Choose a mat that matches your needs best.
  • The thickness of the mat. Softer and thicker may not always be better. Choose a mat that provides some elasticity, but at the same time is not so soft that a person feels they cannot stand comfortably.
  • Select durable, sealed mats for maximum longevity.  Any exposed foam on the top or bottom will wear quickly.
  • Know the environment the mat will be used in.
    • Mats should not slip, or create a trip hazard.
    • Mats should have sloped edges (sloped edges are less of a trip hazard, and allows carts to roll over them more easily)
    • Mats may need to be cleaned. In some areas, such as food preparation, being able to adequately clean the mats will be important.  Exposed foam can absorb water, dirt and lead to bacterial growth.



The use of anti-fatigue mats on the floor does not eliminate sore feet by itself, but, when combined with proper work design and quality footwear, it should improve working conditions.